Just recently we have had a number of visitors – always a blessing of course! But what I love is when they say “we are so comfortable, this feels like home!”
Something else one visitor said has just stuck with me. In the context of house hunting, my friend said how she felt houses with more than two levels, eg. a town house, just felt uncomfortable, because it meant living life on different levels. As a parent of young children, she preferred a house in which she could keep in touch with what her family was doing! She wanted to hear them, for them to hear her, and to keep them in her sight!
This has simply sparked me into pondering on the wonderful truth that as believers in Christ, we no longer live life on one level. In fact we are bi-located!
Ephesians 2:4
But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised us up together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus.
Yes, we live out our lives in a very natural way on this earth, forming relationships, working, loving, having fun but also the bible tells us that we are raised up in Christ who is in heavenly places! How amazing is that!
I want to live my life in that way – but with an emphasis on living life from that top level in Christ! From that privileged position I learn to see life from His perspective, and learn to see people and situations from His perspective, with His love, grace and wisdom.
Not only that, but I find that I feel ‘comfortable’ and ‘at home’ when I am living from that level, because that is God’s original plan for us. I love the reality of experiencing His presence whatever I am doing. That means not just when in church, or ministering, but whether doing housework, looking after children, at work, having fun enjoying a hobby or time out with friends.
How wonderful that we can live from this high level, in touch with our Father who loves us, sees us, hears us and who will empower us to make a difference in the world around us. We are blessed to feel at home in Him! Let’s just make sure He feels at home in us too!